4 Tips for Getting Your Child into a Good University

The university you attend can have a big bearing on the rest of your life. Not only does a good university give your child an excellent education, it’s a fact of life that those who go to prestigious universities often do better in life in the long run, so it’s no surprise that parents want their offspring to go to decent universities. Here are some tips for helping your child get into the best possible institution.

  1. Research entry requirements

Firstly, you should look into entry requirements well ahead of time. This will show you the minimum that universities expect. Have a search around online and you’ll also be able to see the average grades of those who are accepted. This will often come up higher or lower, so you can see what the competition is like.

  1. Get your child into advanced courses

If your child is interested in a certain subject, it’s worth seeing if you can get them into advanced courses, so that they can be challenged. Taking AP Advanced Placement in the subject they want to do at university, as well as English, maths and the core subjects, can look impressive on their application and help them stand out from the crowd.

  1. Get an admissions coach

There are people you can hire to help with applications to elite universities. An admissions coach can help:

  • Advise on the unis your child could apply to
  • Help with the application itself as well as things like entrance essays
  • Get them prepped for interviews
  • Help them prepare for entrance exams or tests

While an admissions coach may sound like a big investment, ultimately, they can really help get your child’s application noticed. Many of them have very good success rates, so find out what their track record is like before you hand over any cash.

  1. Don’t be afraid to look at a variety of universities

A lot of the time, children will pick one university and pin their hopes on it, and their insurance schools might not be as good. But really, they should be thinking of two or three universities they’d like to attend, so if the original doesn’t work out, they have good fallbacks.

University applications can be a headache, so it’s important to work with your child early on to give them the best possible chance of admission to a good school where they will be happy.